Red Door Gallery

Red Door Gallery started in 2007 as a new contemporary exhibition space in Zurich, Switzerland. In early 2009 we moved to Copenhagen, Denmark. The gallery hosted numerous exhibitions by local and international photographers and artists. 

Through the gallery we provide a source of cultural enrichment, consultation and investment for anyone interested in new and emerging artists work. We produce, manage and sell work primarily in the field of fine art photography. We also provide consultative services to our clients with a focus on new and emerging photographers, film makers, and multi-media designers. Corporate and private clients benefit from our extensive international network of artists, fellow curators and dealers to provide a wide spectrum of sound acquisition and investment choices.


RDwebLogo1About our name and logo

Of all the colors in the spectrum, red is the one that provokes the most physiological responses. It is the color that is most easily recognized and the most visible in daylight. It has been shown that red causes the human heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise. It symbolizes excitement, energy, passion, desire, love, power, danger, fire, blood, war, violence and aggression: all things intense and passionate.

The Red Door logo is a symbol from Alchemy used to represent Hematite, the most important source of iron ore in the world. The color of Ochre which comes from the powder of Hematite is one of the first pigments used by human beings and forms the base for the most important of the three primary colors.