
Danish-American photographer, David Levy was born in Landsthul, Germany in 1962.

Throughout his childhood and formative years, he explored and experimented with a variety of artistic media including painting, drawing, woodworking and sculpture.  At around the age of ten, his father took him to “The Studio”, which was owned by family friend and accomplished photographer, Harvey Mendelson. This was the start of David’s life long passion for photography. While studying communications and art history at college, he met Jerry Burchfield and Mark Chamberlain, the owners of BC Space Gallery in Laguna Beach, CA. As a lab assistant working side by side with Jerry in the darkroom, he began to refine his technical skills with color and black & white printing. Considered a master printer utilizing traditional and alternative processes, and the demanding Ilfochrome process, David quickly built a reputation which has led to collaborations with numerous artists around the world to produce exhibition quality prints.

Influenced by classic and contemporary photographers, filmmakers and artists, David’s conceptual photography reflects an integral connection between environmentalism, social/political activism and mass media influence on social behavior. Recent work deals with issues of racism, perception of “place” in society, and the influence of mass media on lifestyle. His work has been exhibited extensively in the United States and Europe and is held by numerous private and corporate collections. Commercially, he produces creative and editorial imagery for Lifestyle, Portraits, Travel and Product branding. 

As an independent curator and gallery owner, David has produced and curated numerous exhibitions including works by William Eggelston, Mark Chamberlain, Jerry Burchfield, Glen Perotto, Jose Vasquez, Nils Olav Boe and many other notable photographic artists. He also served as a board member of the New Orleans Warehouse District Arts Council, Photography instructor at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Art and as an instructor with the University of Oregon Craft Center Photography program. After relocating to Europe, David served as the Country Manager for Getty Images in Denmark and has curated a number of commercial exhibitions for Getty as part of the Copenhagen Photo Festival. He now leads the Digital Experience Professional Services business for Adobe in Scandinavia.

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